Since his election in 2012 as Orange County Commissioner, Mark Dorosin has tirelessly advocated for all Orange County residents. He has worked diligently for social, racial and economic justice, educational equity and opportunity, and environmental justice. Working with engaged community members and policymakers, Mark has achieved results.
➢ Social Justice: Mark was a leader in ensuring full inclusion and equitable access to public services for the Rogers Road community, including long overdue access to water and sewer. He fought to ensure that funds for affordable housing were included in the 2016 county bond, and for the county to develop a program to assist residents of manufactured housing facing displacement by redevelopment. Mark argued that the available housing funds must be prioritized to the areas of greater need, included rental housing for low and very-low wealth residents. He remains committed to working with neighbors and other governing boards to developing affordable housing on the publicly owned Greene Tract. Mark has also helped press the county to implement a driver’s license restoration program, and also argued for reducing the size of the new county jail.
➢ Education: Mark has worked diligently to ensure equitable funding for all students in the county, and in the face of continuing state budget cuts and pressure from charter schools, has voted to ensure that our schools receive the highest local funding in the state. He has also argued against the continued contracting out of schools staff, and although that step has not been taken, pushed the districts to make sure even contracted employees are paid a living wage. As a civil rights lawyer fighting for racial equity in schools across the state, Mark understands the critical role education plays for all residents in our community, and particularly for historically underserved students and families
➢ Economic Opportunity: Mark has been a champion of the Family Success Alliance, a coalition providing resources and opportunities to address the impacts of childhood poverty in Orange County; supported economic development efforts that have resulted in hundreds of new job opportunities in the community; and promoted a scholarship program at Durham Tech to make community college accessible for high school graduates in Orange County. He has also continued to insist that the BoCC’s prioritize its affordable housing efforts, which led to the creation of a local housing voucher program and greater support for our nonprofit housing partners. Improved access to public transit is also a critical economic (and social justice issue) facing our community, especially as we consider inter-county alternatives to light rail.
➢ Leadership & Experience: With his 25+ year history as a lawyer and community activist, Mark is able to bring a unique perspective, clarity of vision, and leadership to the board, and is committed to the board working more effectively and efficiently, and to engaging residents and communities that have been too often left out of the local decision making process.
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